[me & Adam are
I &hearts Freckles.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeen does the new Doctor Who season start?? WHEN?? *whiney & desperate*
Must not get sucked into "Doom" fandom. Must stop reading fanfic, especially since they all have it wrong about Reaper and Sarge. Yes, Sarge is in love with Reaper, but it's bleeding OBVIOUS Reaper's in love with The Kid, who's totally oblivious to it all. Whatever. Will have my trashy movie novelization next week, so can be totally nerdy then.
WTF? Sun? Spring?
I like boys because I want to control. I like men because I want to be controlled. Which means I need a relationship with someone ten years younger AND someone ten years older. Why did it take me so long to find out?
Eight hour shift at the gym today *sighs and leaves*