Oct 10, 2010 23:03
Friday night Chris and I had a nice quiet evening. We walked around Fashion Valley. The night before we had walked through Seaport Village. I was in a good mood 2 days in a row (mark your calendars). Sometime Friday night Chris knocked My Little Friend out from its hiding place. It banged against the wall and landed hard on the floor. I had to get behind the headboard to retrieve it. Saturday morning I was still in a good mood, but Chris was asleep. This is very rare, since I am the late riser. I decide to start something. I am getting my mental state all warm and toasty. I've got a scenario planned out...its all good...the motor is running. I take out my little friend and it whimpers. Not a purr, not a buzz, just a sputter. I grumble, get up and get new batteries. I attach the jumper cables and...ziltch! The purple light comes on, but there is no action. Grrr! I wake Chris up and tell his groggy self that, "it is all his fault". Like any smart husband he tries to find out exactly "what" is his fault this time. I tell him he has broken My Little Friend! It is his job to take care of me until such time as My Little Friend can be replaced. Super TMI: Yes I have lots of equipment, but I only have one Little Friend
my little friend,