Elwood Rose Week 12: Green

Apr 25, 2020 11:25

Update time!

Stefan & Jonah are the best of friends and it's also their birthday!

Here's Stefan who rolled Romance/Popularity - and wants to 'Become Rock God'

Jonah rolled Knowledge/Family and his LTW is to 'Become Media Magnate'

Nicholas booty called Ivy Winters out of the blue and woohooed with her.

Nicholas found a job in Law Enforcement and his younger brother Jonah found a job in Journalism.

Emma grew up into an elder and as a present her husband Thomas bought 'Planetary Pet Store' busines for $54,528.

Whatever extra money my simmies have I'm trying to get them to purchase more businesses since businesses + business tycoons = increase in sim multiplier for this challenge :)

Thomas is promoted to Head of SCIA - Rank 10 and thus achieved his 1st LTW!

2nd LTW - Become Hall of Famer

Stefan asked Aurora North out on a date.

And had his first kiss with her ^^

And a little bit more as well!

Older brother, Nicholas, doesn't seem too happy with the match.

Meanwhile, little Lisa is busy making friends.

As is her brother Jonah...

And it's promotions for everyone;

Thomas found a job in the Athletic career to start working on his 2nd LTW - he got promoted to Rank 3
Nicholas was also promoted to Rank 3 of Law Enforement.
The family pets, Biscuit & Samson (both of whom I'm sad to say I forgot to take a picture of for this update!), got promoted to Rank 4 Security & Rank 4 Show Biz respectively.
This means 3/6 pets having reached the top of their career for Emma's LTW.

We end the chapter with Lisa growing up into a teen!

She rolled Romance/Fortune and her LTW is to 'Become The Law'

That's it for this short update!

sims stories, sims 2 stories, sims 2 bacc, sims, sims bacc, week 12, elwood rose, year 3, sims 2, green

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