Elwood Rose Week 11: North II

Oct 07, 2018 11:45

Welcome back for another short update!

A penguin decided to visit the family when there was no snow on the lot! I think that's the first time it's ever happened in my game!

Quick photo that shows all family members in the household.

Keiran grew up into an elder and he looks just like his late father Thom North!

All family members worked hard at skilling during the week.

Cedric decided to start up his own business.

He set-up an outdoor partying venue and called the space 'Earth Garden'.

Although Cedric's LTW has nothing to do with businesses, I'm noting that I'm always getting sims promoted to business tycoon but falling behind with the number of owned community lots open in order to establish another business district and earn +5 on the BACC sim multiplier.  Therefore, I will try and make an effort and have more sims open up businesses during this round.

Poor Cedric practically spent the night by himself out in the woods as no one dared venture to an open-air party when they were ankle deep in snow!

However, in the morning the snow had melted and Cedric got his first customer!

Meanwhile, back at home, Kyle is busy making friends.

Kyle celebrated his birthday and I decided to switch his hair to a more Legolas style vibe.

He rolled Pleasure/Popularity and his LTW is to Have 50 Dream Dates

His turn ons are: Lgical, Creative
whilst his turn offs is: Hard Worker

We end the chapter on the note that the North II family remains the only family in Elwood Rose to own a car!

See you next time round!

sims 2 stories, sims 2 bacc, sims 2, north ii, week 11, bacc, elwood rose

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