Welcome to Elwood Rose's first university update! Northvale University has a very small campus consisting of a football field, a bus station and one dorm.
The only dorm on campus is 'Ruby Dorms', deriving its name from it's dark red brick exterior.
The dorm has an outdoor dining area which is very close to...
the indoor cafeteria.
The downstairs is a huge recreational/study & skill building/lounge area. The the picture above this, you can see a small corridor leading off to the dorm's four downstairs dorm rooms and communal bathrooms.
Upstairs one can find a cool rooftop area, ideal for throwing parties.
A small recreational/gym area that leads to the dorms upstairs.
'Ruby Dorms' is an eight bedroom dorm (4 downstairs and 4 upstairs bedrooms) and that concludes our tour.
Now let's welcome the first Elwood Rose residents to join Northvale univesity! First up is Beverly North.
Nathan Smith
and James Elwood
Coincidentally, the students represent three of the four founding families. It might be a while before someone from the remaining founding family, Winters, joins the university.
Beverly, James and Nathan also happen to be cousins.
James immediately chose his major as 'Political Science'. Which was the perfect choice as his LTW is to Become the Law.
Nathan rolled the want to major in Mathematics and as his LTW (Become a Criminal Mastermind) does not require any specific degree, I obliged his wishes.
Pretty quickly some other university students came to check out the dorm.
James got settled in, chosing one of the upstairs bedrooms.
Nathan chose the room opposit of James.
Whilst Beverly opted for a cosier downstairs dorm room.
She immediately called back home to assue them that she was settling in smoothly.
Susanne (James's mother) couldn't be appeased with 'just a phone call' and decided that she would feel more at peace if she physically visited her son on campus.
Mother and son had a wonderful time together.
Before long, the students finished their first freshman semester. All with A+ and making the Dean's List.
Beverly finally decided on her major... Economics.
Nathan started a romance with his fellow dormie, Felix Vidler.
Some more Felix and Nathan picture spam because the two look cute together.
Nathan is taking this semester more lightly than the first one, focusing more on socialising and entertainment.
Things are moving pretty quickly with these two, the hot tub presents the perfect woohoo spot for university students.
After all the hard work (oh wait there was none!), all three finished their Freshman year at college with A+ grades and making the Dean's List again.
That's all for this update. This is not the only university update for Week 10. There will be another installment later on in the round.