or so it seems! :( :(
I haven't played my sims neighbourhood in a while because I was busy with exams and assignments, a few days ago I reopened the game to play the next family which are the Rues. Everything was ok until suddenly my game popped up this message:
and subsequently crashed. I tried booting it up again over and over and it keeps on crashing as soon as I start playing the family :(
Naturally, first thing I did was run a search on the internet and in the hopes that it turns up something useful. I tried deleting the caches as was suggested but it was no good. I scanned all my downloads folders and nothing turned up suspicious (anyway I'm 99% sure that I didn't download any new custom content ever since I stopped playing my sims for the exam period so it shouldn't be a problem). I have also run several anti-virus checks in case a virus corrupted my game because I heard that for some simmers that was the problem. NOTHING.
The only suggestion I did not try was to uninstall my game because I feel that is the last option. I'm posting this here in the hopes that maybe someone knows of something else that I can try to save my game, otherwise I'm uninstalling everything and starting anew as from next week. I love simming and I can't stand not having anything to play and even though I would miss my Southern Oaks residents, it seems like I'm going to have to say goodbye to them for good :(
Best case scenario is that by some miracle you manage to help me find a way to stop the game from crashing.
Worst case scenario, everything is lost and I'll have to start up another BACC.