Careers of a Lemming

Sep 15, 2007 13:24

So okay I am lemming-like first thing in the am ... I even filled in the secondary 51 item questionnaire, the education level and the skills questionnaire ... I must really want to know what careers to consider ... [smirk] ..

So ... the instructions are 1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top 12 results.
....and guess what ...most of these I have already done, am doing or have considered ... The A, B and C levels denote the level of skill I have in each area. I included the first 25 plus selected others I found interesting and/or amusing ... who knew I had the skills to be a DJ for example.

And my results are ...
1. Business Systems Analyst A Reluctantly done
2. Computer Trainer B When I was a sys admin back int he 80's
3. Video Game Developer A I tried to form a group to develop games .. remember chelidon?
4. Web Developer C A What I do at the moment, I scored low in skills cuz I thought they meant repair, observation and detail work on physical things not stuff like code and web sites ... who knew?
5. Desktop Publisher A Part of my original business plan for Amber Eyes
6. Database Developer A Informix then , MySQL now
7. Artist B Amazingly one of the areas I seldom talk about but definitely interested in
8. Multimedia Developer A Tons of interest, had considered seriously
9. Computer Programmer A I never did this for a living, but now I hack perl and php who knew?
10. Website Designer A Right now
11. Webmaster B Right now
12. Astronomer C I actually thought of this while at Howard U
13. Mathematician A I was one class short of a double degree in EE and Math
14. Physicist C I seriously considered returning for a MS in Physics
15. Statistician A I am good at it , did some in my work, but I do not like it that much
16. Engineering Tech Done
17. Film Editor C Whoa! I was considering this at one point
18. ESL Teacher B Have no idea where this came from
19. Researcher A Done
20. Technical Writer B Not my job, but did a ton
21. Market Research Analyst A Again not my job, but did a ton
22. Criminologist A Whoa! Have no idea where this came from
23. Announcer B Well, I do have the voice
24. Professor A Seriously considering as future job
25. Real Estate Appraiser B Have no idea where this came from
28. Computer Engineer A WTF?!?!?! I guess this is what they now call Electrical Engineers ...hate that my actual profession is not named properly .... computer engineering my ass, I am a f@cking Electrical Engineer!!!!
34. Disc Jockey C Wow! had never considered
36. Writer A Uh? What I am suppose to be doing ... right now .. at this very moment ...
40. Historian B Another one I had not considered but it makes sense considering all my work on preserving history
Mostly funny, interesting and too true along with a few Wows!, Whoas! and WTFs! ...

... now back to my real work for the day ... recovery, writing, washing dishes and laundry .... oh the wild life I live!

career, meme

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