And yet another quick post ...

Jul 06, 2007 09:16

I feel so rushed nowadays ... yesterday was all rush rush rush ... doctors appt, physical therapy appt, spiritual counseling appt, and computer pickup appt ... and today starts off the same w/ a chiro appt and another PT appt ending with a visit from my beloved niece.

Hopefully, my weekend will be quiet .... then on Monday a early PT appt then off to Seelie Court to teach a class Mon evening at Bell, Book & Candle ... then a geekorama day with Ivo building computers and solving world hunger and other equally small problems (!) and back home on Wed to plan for the sequestered weekend .. plus more appts.


And I thought I was slowing down ....

Update: I will not be going to Seelie court after all. Ivo is still not feeling well. :-(

a very sad daughter of Mary
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