My Other Wing
Neo: “Why are my eyes so sore?”
Morpheus: “Because you’ve never used them before.”
I was thinking this morning about how much pain, constriction and injury is concentrated on the left side of my body. This morning I was using a tennis ball to release trigger points within my left hip and shoulder. The tightness reaches all the way down through my left leg. It is painful work, but the resulting relief is palpable even in my mouth and jaw.
Amongst magical practitioners, we tend to interpret physical symptoms as symbolic of energetic, emotional and mental ailments and blockages. So in addition to treating the physical body, we also trace the ailment back into the subtle body layers, i.e. charkas, auras and such. Our physical selves can provide clues as to where we are harboring calcified thought patterns, frozen emotions and shorted energy flow.
Today I am truly aware of how the restricted range of motion in my left shoulder could be interpreted as a wing that has not fully unfolded.
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