Wednesday update ...UPDATED!

Apr 25, 2007 15:22

Back from a chiropractic adjustment and a 90 minute massage .. I am feeling oh so good right now.

The Direct TV technician fixed my service so now I can see BBC America and TNT! All hail Tivo!

We are in a waiting pattern for the handrails and the bathroom at the moment as Alberto and friend paints the outside of the house. No new pics at the moment, although I will take a snap of the rear of the house later.

It is so nice out, I am going to sit on the front porch a bit after I put a load in the washing machine. Later my plan is to move some clothes from my broken closet.


The rear of the house freshly painted. Do not look too hard, there is so much work that needs doing .. but this is it for the next few years ... god willing and the creek don't rise...


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