Geek time at the hacienda ... cha cha cha..

Jan 11, 2007 18:25

I've been upgrading my web sites like I am on an assembly line. I finished 5 of 6 sites -- the sixth one requires some serious finagling, i.e. Katrina's Joy is currently hosed from the last upgrade. But I have been knocking items off of my f@cking huge todo list like crazy.

This is possible because ...
  1. I am doing lots more planning now that I have slowed down, so I actually have an idea of what is required and generally how long it will take, and
  2. I hired a personal assistant to keep me *sane* .. so to speak. As soon as I identified all the areas he could help me with, suddenly all this energy freed up so I could knock out several big-ticket items (as in energy expenditure required) on my list.

So tonight I will be particpating in a virtual geek meet-up. I am totally psyched.


da-dum, da-dum, da-dum .....

that is all

geek, slow, productivity

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