Another year older and deeper . . .

Oct 23, 2005 13:16

I cannot say yet what turning 50 means for me, but one thing I do know -- I gotta dance more often.

I am so sore and stiff today. My friend Ishtar tried mightily to get me to promise to spend the day resting in the aftermath of my
B I R T H D A Y - D A N C E - P A R T Y - E X T R A V A G A N Z A!!!
But I kept invoking my patron saint, She who runs with scissors, just so I could hear her fuss. I so enjoy torturing her.

Of course, all I *can* do physically today is rest, so in the end Ishtar wins that portion of the conflict.

But what is increasingly clear to me is just how much I need to invoke the joy of dancing, the joy of my body back into my life. Yeah, I have a lot of physical ailments and all, but these old bones need to find a way to move.

As the African saying goes, If I can walk, I can dance...


joy, age

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