I’m heading over to Norwescon and carrying a copy of Glamour in Glass with me. Later today, I’ll be giving it away… Want it?
10 am Salon - How to Give an Effective Reading
The workshop is specifically designed for authors who need to do readings at conventions, book-signings or other events. Just because you can write brilliantly does not necessarily mean you can read aloud brilliantly. Learn how to use voice acting techniques for greater impact in readings. Mary Robinette Kowal
1 pm Cascade 7 - Writing as a Business or an Art
Why do you write, and what do you want to get from a career in writing? If you had to choose, would you rather win a Hugo or write a bestseller? Let’s talk about our writing goals and how your goals may affect what you write and how you market. Eileen Gunn (M), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Mary Robinette Kowal
2-4 pm Cascade 12 - Figure Drawing Workshop - Models in Costume
Models in costume will do a variety of short and medium length poses (3 to 10 minutes). Everyone is welcome to come and sketch or paint. Please bring your own drawing and painting supplies. An excellent follow-up panel to the Figure Drawing Workshop. Anita Taylor (M), G.Robin Smith, Victoria Shaffer, Mary Robinette Kowal (I’m modeling in Regency dress)
4:30 pm Cascade 1 Mary Robinette Kowal reads Glamour in Glass
A historical fantasy set in the days leading up to Waterloo. Rated G Plus a tiny little puppet show!
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