Alexander’s secret Egyptian amour

Aug 26, 2010 15:02

It would appear that Mary Renault’s tale of Alexander’s romancing a Persian boy isn’t the full story. The king's secret dalliance in Egypt is revealed in a French novel entitled Si-Amonn by Alain Blottiere (published in 1998 by Mercure de France).

Si-Amonn tells the story of a young Egyptian initiate  priest of Amon who falls in love with Alexander and after a brief affair with him, leaves the service of the gods and becomes a slave and prostitute. (Bagoas’ story in reverse.)

Here is the publisher’s blurb (translated from the French).

In Egypt, at the sweet oasis of Amon, famous for its oracle, Alexander the Great, the new Pharaoh, arrives to ask about his future and whether he is the son of god. There he meets a young  priest, Si-Amonn, whose life is suddenly turned upside down when he falls in love with Alexander. Si-Amonn leaves the paradise of his childhood, determined to become the equal of a Greek and a man capable of fighting alongside his king. After a long and tiring journey, his quest leads to Cyrene, a Greek colony in Libya. In this immense city where poor boys are held ransom for their their beauty, Si-Amonn will undergo a series of tests, not the least of which is to become a man  worthy of the "son of god".

The following excerpt recounts a meeting between Alexander and the young Amon-priest, after he had attended the ceremony questioning the gods on his divinity.

Later, they again bathed in the Fountain of the Sun and enjoyed at length the hot water in the cold of the night. And as it pleased the king more and more to know the truth of this enchantment, he pressed Si-Amonn in his arms and said:

“Si-Amonn, who offered me a secret, choose yourself your reward.”

Then the pure child, carried in the arms of the royal son of god whispered:

“Emmène-moi” ... “Take me”.

(Just as well Alexander kept mum about this around Bags.)


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