Afternoon folks!
Having checked with the BBC in 2011 that no Google Calendar listing the Proms already exists, I spent a few hours creating one and listing all the Proms in it. I did the same in 2012, and here we are in 2013 and there is still no official Google calendar.... So again this year, with some very much appreciated assistance from Tim, my Proms calendar is available for your use.
I have made it public so that anyone that wants to can view it, add it to their chosen calendar/feed program or whatever.
Click on whichever link below suits you best :-)
I have put in basic information for each prom, in the 'description' of each calendar event. But don't forget, the BBC have produced a rather lovely Proms guide, available from all good newsagents and book shops, which contains far more information than I will ever manage to type in, so do go buy a copy.
If anyone spots any errors in the calendar then do please drop me a tweet to let me know, to
@PromsCalendar or
@MaryRCrumpton (or send an email to me via BBCPromsCalendar AT gmail DOT com)
The links you need:
HTML - Website Address:
The address below can be used to access my BBC Proms Calendar online.
Just click on the following website address to view the Proms Google calendar in any web browser: ICAL:
The address below can be used to access this BBC Proms Calendar from other calendar applications. You can copy and paste this address into any calendar product that supports the ical format. XML:
And the address below can be used to access this BBC Proms Calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any feed reader. Enjoy :-)