Things I resolve to do in 2012 are:
- Review and re-write my life-plan (and goals) for each area of my life.
- Finish unpacking paperwork and get good system in place; and get the rest of the house more organised and presentable.
- Lose at least 3 stone in weight.
- Feel more financially secure for the long-term, with savings & retirement plan, wills, etc
- Organise our wedding and marry Tim (on October 27th).
- Complete 2 Coaching diplomas (NLP and Coaching Supervision); And achieve "Master Coach" level.
- Raise at least
£250 for charity by walking 10 miles; and also set-up the charity I want to start.
- Finish writing my first book.
- Sing with a decent choir again, and perform in at least one concert.
- Read at least 50 books (about one a week).
- Have dinner with friends at least once a month.
- Write at least 24 proper hand-written letters (i.e. 2 a month).
Would love to hear what other people's resolutions are, if you feel like sharing :-)