Misteeq Universe

Jun 11, 2004 18:50

So....it all started innocent enough....all I wanted to do was go to a local bar (Myst) with my latest edition to the Josh list to see the band Misteeq (they are a Brit girl band who I first heard last year). Then the DJ comes on the radio and says that he has a few spots left on his VIP list to have a private concert and meet n'greet with Misteeq up in Hartford. So I call and miraculously get through. Me and this DJ start chatting and he says he'd love to talk to me some more...could I make it to Hartford by 5 to party with the band? UMMM yes!! AND I get to bring a friend. Amazing! This sort of thing never happens to me. So I call my new Josh and tell him the wonderful news. But, he's really tired and stressed from studying for the bar (poor sweets) so he doesn't want to go all the way to Hartford. Ok...so I try calling some of my other friends in town....and can't reach ANYBODY. HMMM ok so I'll go by myself. I get in my car....fight mountains of rush hour traffic and a very bitter woman at the McD's drive thru window. I finally get on the interstate and blow down the freeway like a bat out o hell. I get to Hartford at 5:20....ok that's not too bad...BUT THEN the very easy left that I was supposed to make to the radio station was blocked by construction and approximately 1,000 angry drivers. So I loop around the city....get lost a few times...stop to pee...ask for directions...get even more lost....stop for gas...and finally realize that I need to give up the ghost. I got back on the interstate...drove right by where I needed to be...and kissed my chance and my unautographed picture of the girls goodbye. I was utterly defeated....drove home...crawled in bed...and stared blankly at the television for a few hours before drifting off into an utterly dissatisfied sleep. This just shows...I should never try to get "scandalous" with a DJ just to win a contest again...it only reaps misery and frustration upon the world.
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