Mar 16, 2023 12:00
- Wed, 18:40: RT @ mtholfsen: NEW! Now educators can add a Reading Progress web part to Class Home page in #MicrosoftTeams that shows top Challenging Word…
- Wed, 18:40: RT @ luvelush: Congratulations to Steve Reay and team on sharing this important story! Learn how we're using Microsoft Viva Insights to he…
- Wed, 18:41: Seeing AI the next generation
- Wed, 18:41: RT @ BeMyEyes: And to read more about Virtual Volunteer, visit our new blog post:
- Wed, 18:41: RT @ stevesi: Human in the loop is an asset not a bug or sign of a missing feature.
- Wed, 18:42: RT @ codepo8: is a dedicated job site only for DevRel roles. Neat.
- Wed, 18:43: RT @ PunchBooks: ‘Historic moment’ for nature as Europe’s first wild river national park announced in Albania
- Wed, 18:43: RT @ AshDylanLit: it’s always important to be reminded that conservative arguments fall apart at the question “what are you even talking abo…
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ m3ch3l3: Hear this. There are super powers in humanity that we sometimes dismiss as atypical. That is a mistake.
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ ErikEJ: dotNET blog: Announcing Polyglot Notebooks! Multi-language notebooks in Visual Studio Code
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ shaft: Where are all the hot takes and long form write-ups on how many of the (mostly male) tech CEOs are terrible business people who…
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ timnitGebru: One of the ppl who filtered out outputs of Open AI models told me they wouldn't "wish it on my worst enemy."…
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ mmitchell_ai: If you are making an argument that you can't provide basic transparency on AI models because of profit concerns, then you…
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ TommyLee: PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENT: After years of managing DevRel teams, I'm heading towards my technical roots with a focus on my passio…
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ TorstenBell: Economic outlook is better than previously feared - but it's still very bad. What does that mean for humans? This is on co…
- Wed, 18:47: RT @ DavidKPiano: Too many people are saying that LLMs can do things; this is fundamentally beyond their capability. There are tools that c…
- Wed, 18:48: RT @ tomwarren: Microsoft is bringing Minecraft to Chromebooks. The announcement comes as Microsoft seeks to convince regulators that it won…
- Wed, 18:48: RT @ fabianwilliams: PSA on whats new with @ Azure fam! Protect against cyberattacks with the new Azure Firewall Basic by Mark Gakman here ->…
- Wed, 18:49: RT @ MSFTIssues: “People who are visually impaired or legally blind like me, their abilities are downplayed because they are missing, to hum…
- Wed, 18:49: RT @ mdreinders: #MicrosoftLoop -! #Microsoft - The Microsoft Loop App @ thurrott @ bdsams @ maryjofoley @ Pet…
- Wed, 18:49: RT @ unixterminal: ~5 minutes to build a custom WSL2 kernel on the Windows Dev Kit 2023.
- Wed, 18:50: RT @ notkavi: The phenomenon of people asking a LLM for an answer, seeing it give an answer, and presenting that as impressive without check…
- Wed, 18:52: I mean, this feels borderline discriminatory because there was no one in the NYT newsroom who either knew how to pronounce Spanish or thought that "grassy ass" might be offensive? work on inclusion happens bana