In case any of you all thought I died, nope, I went to Chicago for the weekend on Friday. Trip was epic. Below the cut is a report on the trip, complete with photos. Enjoy!
My parents and I left for Chicago on Friday around 7 PM. So obviously by the time we got to Chicago there was nothing to do. We drove down the road a bit from our hotel and had Dunkin' Donuts for our dinner, then went back to the hotel and slept.
Saturday morning we got up around 7 and got all ready to head out. We went to the Field Museum first and visited the pirate exhibit, which was incredible. The exhibit had a ton of really cool information that I had no idea on, and kept me interested. After we got through it and I picked up a replica piece of eight (molded from an original) necklace at the gift shop, I was worn out from museums, but dad wanted to see the planetarium really badly and it was just across the way, so we walked over there. Mom and I ended up deciding that we were too tired to go in, so we sat outside on the steps.
After the Planetarium, which dad was disappointed in, we drove a bit away to Edelweiss, a delicious German restaurant of win. Wienerschnitzel and German chocolate cake FTW. We returned to the hotel for an hour or so, then went to the Borders on Randolph St. for 45 minutes before it closed. I came out with a copy of The Pegasus Pocket Guide to Mozart. From there was hotel and sleep.
On Sunday we got up at 7:30 and met Katie and her dad at the Sears/Willis/whatever-the-fuck Tower at 10. Seeing her again was nice <3. Her dad works there, so he got us up on the skydeck for free. Also we got out on an open roof on floor 90. That was amazing, and I got a ton of really nice shots from up there. Much love to my cameras.
From there we had delicious Giordiano's pizza, then went to Katie's sister's art studio. Jennifer (Katie's sister) is an amazing artist, and the building her studio is in is quite nice, too. There was a used bookstore in the building that mom of course had to check out. It was really nice, and the owner had a really cute gray kitten named Hodge. Katie and I spent a lot of time petting and playing with him. He was so cute and playful! He kept getting his claws stuck in mom's sweater while he was playing with it and her purse.
After all that we raided the DePaul Barnes and Noble. I came out triumphant with Nodame Cantabile vol. 3-4 and a book entitled Violin Dreams. From there we parted with Katie and her dad and went to the concert.
The concert was stunning. The first half was Schubert stuff with an incredible baritone singer, which was good, but it was the Strauss waltzes and polkas that blew my mind. Watching the violinists was The venue was gorgeous, too, and it was all just perfect.
In conclusion, I am an Austriafag. Classical concert entitled "A Night in Vienna" + 4 classical music-related books? Go me.
I am lazy, so my pics are