....I'm abusing this Hungary/Austria icon like whoa.
So, I picked up a fair amount of new friends from the Hetalia friending meme and may still gather more, so I figured I should put in a welcome post!
Basically, if you're one of my new friends, or even an old one if you feel like it, just introduce yourself. Tell me about your favorite pairings,
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Name: Rose
Nicknames: Loke
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Shipping: KKM:gwendal/gunter, gwendal/anissina, Josak/Conrart; Crossover: Aion/Gunter (BEST OTP EVAR); Getbackers: Kazuki/Juubei; Tales of...: Klarth/Mirald, Chester/Arche, Senel/Chloe, Rutee/Mary, Jade/Peony, Zelos/Shiina; Godchild: Lucinda/Clyde, Cain/Riff, Crehador/Shiela
This is my MAL: it's firewalled here, so look me up and friend me? i'm glitteringloke on there too~~
i is a packrat too~~ and i'm always at otakon, and alternate years at katsucon. this year i'm adding anime boston cuz i was invited by those ppl, otherwise, i'd like to do more cons, but life doesn't let me. i'm also quite into the cosplay :D
yay cons~ I wish I could get out to Otakon, but alas.
*off to look you up on MAL*
otakon is much fun~~ i think we spent 2 hours at the kkm shoot XD
It sounds so epic! I just am stuck here in fail Indiana ;__;
And you're added on MAL! I'm Ohki there, BTW.
indiana... ew. midwest is boring XD
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