First off, welcome back to the Trumbly Legacy! I know its been very, very, very long but I've been so, so, so busy. Second, I'm sorry if any pics in any of the previous updates have been deleted, for some reason my photobucket had and error and I had to delete some pics. Anyways an update: Eveyone aged up and I moved Hannah Fortune into the Trumbly Household. You all voted for heir so the vote are in! Read on!
Here are the three contenders: Bastien, Buck and Bary. And the winner is.......*drumroll*
BUCK TRUMBLY! Buck is the heir, so now we say goodbye to the spares.
In case you didn't see this coming, I had Bastien propose to Hannah.
She accepted obviously.
Later that night, Hannah and Bastien had a classy Trumbly wedding in their underwear.
And then I moved them out. See ya later, Bastien!! <3
The next day I invited Buck's girlfriend over. Her name is Keely O'Donnell. Stats later. He loves her.
Then I moved her in and gave her a make over.
Meanwhile, I have another heir to move out! Here is Bary and his girlfriend. Don't remember her name.
He asked her to move in and she accepted.
Then promptly asked for her hand.
And a quickie wedding!!
Her make over. She is fond of brown.
Love was happening in more than one area of the house. Squee.
Unfortunately this was the last time he'd see her...
Constance: I normally feel tingly after woohoo, but not like this.
Oh Constance, :(
Atti's poor heart is just broken.
RIP Constance.
Sorry to end this update on a sober note, but there you go. Sorry its so so short but I promise next time will be longer. Once again, thanks for reading!
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Generation 1
1.0| 1.1 |1.2|1.3|1.4|
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