Apr 13, 2010 16:46

I FINALLY FINISHED MY FIRST GABE SCENE!!!! AND I ACTUALLY LIKE IT!!!!! *does happy dance all around*

I was having serious problems with this scene, because I needed Sam to TALK to Gabe but Dean kept trying to chew his head off and Gabe kept responding to Dean and I wasn't getting anything done. Until I re-watched "Channel Surfers", and I decided I'd let Dean and Gabe go at it and they did and I have like two pages in word of CAPSLOCK but then they figured it out!!! And Sam is all holy shit!! because he wasn't expecting that. Me either!!!

*huggles Gabriel* Thanks for not being such an ass after all. He's just a sweety, really. Just.... in deep denial about his family.

YEY FOR PROGRESS!!!!! I'm over 4000 words now. Slow, I know, but I might still pull this off!!!

fanfic, big_bang, spn

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