Hullo! I have not yet done with my study for this semester and I'm still in my exam week but I'm stealing some time off coz I'm bored of facing the research work *head desk*
I have no particular topic to discuss in this entry however some of the KAT-TUN's latest update well of course Junno's mostly has been on my mind the past few weeks and I need to get it out ^^"
First about Junno's Legal High WEEEE~~~
I must say this is one of my favourite Junno drama but it still can't top Yukan Club sumimasen! However I must say this is by far his best role ever! I like the mysterious vibe surrounding his character. I like that every week when the episode ends I would anticipate what else his character will develop into. I have or hope that towards the end of the drama his character will have some kidn of dispute with Komikado sensei that twist all the norms in the plot that has been happening for the past 7 episodes. I noticed Junno struggle a bit with portraying the character in the beginning maybe because it has been a long time since he was offered an appropriate and require true acting (giving glare to Inu nantoka I'm blaming you coz you use Junno as a pretty boy and even Junno didn't like it and he didn't even have much screen time! Screw you!) BUT by 6th episode I was smiling from ear to ear because Junno started to portray the character truly and his acting is great! bravo Junno bravo! and I know you're the type who get use to stuff first before you can do it perfectly so I don't mind *ruffle head* alrite! With that in the future I hope Junno will get more offer for role such as this or his role in Kochikame (that one is brilliantly portrayed by Junno!) He can do it great give him the chance! Ganbatte Junno!
Next is about Junno's interview
First time I read the interview I only catch bits by bits due to my limited kanji vocab and I'm too lazy to grab the dic *smack self* but thanks to
mrstaguchi100 who kindly translated the whole thing we are able to get the full grasp of what was said... and it was heartbreaking T__T. I have a mixed/surreal feelings when I read through the interview. Because yes I've been stalking and most of the thing he said I know already but as I say to some of my friends unless Junno's himself talk about it personally I will only believe like 50% of my stalking facts and he did. It's sad because even the not so happy one is true but more shockingly the truth about his injury T___T. Even the previous data I gathered is the piece of information I put together in one place from various sources such as old interviews, wikipedia and newspaper article but what he said in this interview is truly only Junno or those around him knows about it. But nontheless despite the painful experience for Junno he deal with it like a man! Seriously he is so strong that I am overwhelmed! That smile of his so precious because that is the antidote for all his pain. I respect him before as person as a man as a son and as an entertainer and as friend but now I respect him even more the level just keep going up. Junno you manage to stay true to yourself since you've been in this industry until now and hopefully forever. You are truly an idol.
ok Next one is about FINALE!
Where do I start hyperventilating about this eh... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! IT'S JUST TOO AWESOME!!!!! Seriously Junno's epicness in his solo this time is beyond words! and I'm very happy that regardless whether Junno's fans or not most of the fans reacted extremely well to this solo. Junno bravo! His performance although the fancam didn't do justice is epic! I can hardly wait for the DVD! I NEED THE CLEAR VERSION NOW!!! His dance, his gestures his voice urgh! If I have to ambush Johnny and force him to get the DVD out earlier then I WILL! FINALE TOP ALL OF MY FAVOURITE SONG! Even my little brother who has little interest in KAT-TUN keep asking me to repeat the song. There you go the awesomeness of FINALE XD
Last one "Copyright Infringement"
I'm never the type who cares about credit as long as KAT-TUN fans enjoys the thing that I posted without stating the sources seriously I'm fine. BUT.. to claim it as yours and then go on making drama saying you're tired coz you have been doing it is not cool people when the stuff belong to others. This happened to one of the KAT-TUN video I posted on youtube. I never imagine why would people reupload my video but someone did O.o and this girl was claiming how hard it is for her to complete the video and feeling sleepy and etc. (she should have stop at claiming the video is hers I wouldn't be so mad) but then one person asked what song did she use she said she didn't remember... Lying to other people is not cool dude.. well I already troll on her commenters so all is well.. can't wait for the verbal battle to come and see what she have to say about it though.. But don't worry most of my friends or commenters is always nice enough to ask for permission so it's ok ^__~
ok I think I ranted long enough~ I better get back to my work.. until the next time