Frustrations and Fuckitude

Feb 25, 2011 14:16

I get a bit frustrated that I get all excited about the friendship/exchange/swap quilts, do my part, and then others in the group drop the ball.  I've got two quilts that are in that condition. I don't want to nag the offenders, but damn it, why can't they admit that they have lost steam/interest in the project and give me my bit back if they aren't going to do it?

I think that's why I'm excited about doing the quilt with Christie.  Christie is, if nothing else, reliable. I am at the point that I need to prewash the indigo fabrics.  I hate that my washing machine is broken.  When I don't want to leave home, I don't even want to go downstairs to the pay laundry machines. Not that I have money for the pay washing machine. And I could use Mom's machine, but the gas to go there is as much as using the machine downstairs.

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