I'm training. I'm training. La la la. Color me happy. I'm quite excited to get back to my roots and back to the basics of empathy and emotion. And to be doing so in a trainer's role. Plus, 2nd half weekend I'll be staying at Cynthia's house which should be barrels of fun and laughs as we can be silly and whatnot at the end of my long training days. Super great stuff.
Everything else in life is going along fairly smoothly, with some minor to major bumps. Parker is fabulous. He did get hurt and cut his head open last month, though, and need 2 staples in his head. That was scary but it healed well. Also at the beginning of May he had out-patient surgery at Sparrow to have tubes put in his ears. The first week afterward wasn't so great. We had some problems that even necessitated me to act as a pushy mom and show up at the doctor's office as I was on the phone saying "Any chance we could come in this afternoon?" The "um, lemme check, prolly not" response turned into an "okay, doctor said come wait and he'll see you anyway" once I said, "Well I'm in the parking lot with my son and we're about to walk in." But now, after a few weeks he's doing fine with the tubes it seems.
Spring semester came and went and I don't know how it went so fast. Now summer classes are already in their second week (for me @ Aquinas). I was working on my Student Teaching Application yesterday and I suddenly went, oh, wait, where do I want to student teach? Good question. I think I narrowed it down, and my preferences aren't guaranteed anyway, so...we'll see. The apps. not due till September, so I have some time before I start my Student Teaching in January 07. After that I'll have my teaching certificate! And will officially be a teacher in search of a job. That will be frustrating and scary. I want to teach in the Lansing area, or within an hour of it. Parker and I will be relocating to where ever I'm teaching so I want it to be within an hour of his dad in Haslett. Actually I'd love to get a job in Haslett or Okemos. 7-12 English (Language Arts and Literature) and Speech (Theater and Communications) so if you know of anything or of any Language Arts middle or high school teachers that are retiring or leaving after the 06-07 school year please let me know.
So job concerns are on my brain. As is job preparation. My two Graduate education classes right now are great. They're both pretty intensive and the work is detailed, demanding, and constant. They're each only through the beginning of July, though. So I'll have the second half of the summer to relax and get organized at home for the next school year and student teaching in January. Parker will turn 3 in January! That's practically in no time. Whoa, do I need to slow down, it's only the end of MAY. Not even officially summer yet. I'm still trying to figure out if I can afford to not work in the summer. Right now I'm still subbing, elementary and secondary, and since I don't have daytime classes I've been subbing almost every day. It's tiring, but the money's great.
So to sum it up for you....I've been busy and am still busy. But things are good.
Oh! And my friend who I've known since she was born (and I was 8 months old) had her first baby on May 9th! A baby girl - Savanna Belle. And... mom, dad, and baby all have the same birthday! I was there for Judie's labor and the delivery of Savanna and it was wonderful. It was so exciting and made me look back with a tear and look forward to my future pregnancies and babies with a smile.
Love you all. Sorry it's been SO long since a post or update with me.
xoxo, Mary