Mar 02, 2004 19:22
It saddens me how the issue of gun control helps to ruin this country when its meant to help save it. Two recent gun control proposals are a renewal on the ban on assault rifles and putting a stop to allowing people to buy guns at gun shows without a background check. Sounds good to me. Keep handguns and assualt rifles out of the hands of criminals (out of everyone's hands in a perfect world). But then, those against these propositions are attempting to attach an immunity to gun makers that keeps them from being sued. cause ya know, we cant have those people who manufacture deadly weapons having to waste their precious time in something as juvenile as court. and to top it all off, gun control issues helped get bush elected in the first place and threaten to affect the upcoming election as well. its tragic really. guns are just stupid. its a power trip, thats all it is. they want to feel in control of a world that they cant be in control of, and that scares them. people try to rationalize it with "protection" but thats not it. someone can kill you whether you have a gun or not. especially those who have them and its ok cause "its not loaded." that gets rid of any possible use of protection, so why have it? and definately do not leave them lying around loaded because then children can get to them and kill each other by accident, so no matter how you look at it, a gun in the household=stupid. and i suppose i understand those that use them for hunting purposes (but i dont agree with this either. the animal doesnt have a weapon why should you get one?) but hunting rifles and hand guns or assault rifles are definately not the same thing. typical of the US to be this attached to something that can only lead to its own destruction. and so....
CANADA here i come!