
Jul 15, 2008 18:40


The Witch of Endor rang, we're not sure why, probably just out of evil. Cue frantic call to uncle M to get him to check D is ok, because, well, something might have happened that she'd get informed about first, though god knows what, considering that his care team are very aware of his and his brothers' opinions on their aunt. Namely, that she burned all her bridges many years ago and should be left to be evil and ancient by herself. The fact that their sisters are somewhat less realistic about their aunts was what led to the Unholy Rows and Huge Feuds when Granny died. At least there's now only one of them to deal with.

I don't know why she ever phones any of us. D doesn't answer, M is outright rude to her, and my dad says 'Mmm' a lot and then hangs up. And the offspring of the last two actively avoid speaking to her in a way normally associated with severe Anthrophobia...

On the upside, the associated ranting segued into M and Ruth coming up with ever more inventive ways to convince our mother that we've destroyed the house when she gets back from Scotland. I will never stop being amazed that my grandparents, various neighbours, teachers and Scout leaders didn't kill both Daddy and M long before they finished primary school. M's the less inventive one...

Luckily there is no easily accessible joke shop. And while the local fire crews are warped, they are not sufficiently warped to park outside our house at midnight just to freak out my mother. Probably. I hope.

Oh well, pretty pictures:

argh, family, urge to kill rising, oh god what if they did

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