Here is an update

Apr 30, 2006 20:22

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but I have been busy busy busy..If my friends can be too busy to see me well so can I. I had the best weekend of my life with fickwalker Miss Glory and Miss Kimmy they have made me realise why my purpose and goals are in my current life and that is remarkable they should be charging me by the hour they are a true calling and blessing and I thank god that they are in my life.

I have decided that I am going to start taking care of myself so step 1 is to quit smoking together with changing my weight situation. I have a stable job that I love as a legal secretary and love the solicitors that I am working for I have been there for only 6 weeks and I am loving it so now it is time to take on my problems cause there is only 1 1/2 years till my 30 th and I would love to feel fantasic, I would love to hire a club for one night and for them to play what I want and to invite all the people that have been in my life.

So tonight I rang the quitline and brought the Biggest Loser exercise video and I am going to take this with both hands just incase JC or Justin are at my 30th LOL so that I am able to dance the gig.

I was looking at all my clothes that I use to wear and the way I felt and I miss that and I went out today and starting thinking about certain things and how if I lost the weight would I do the same thing again? The answer I can up with was NO WAY not in this lifetime I have so much to live for and work for so NO WAY, it is not worth it unless it is JC or JT but nothing further than fondling and maybe some kissing but hey I am in touch with reality LOL.

I am changing my life forever and being the first of the month it is a great opportunity to make that commitment plus also today I brought Chloe a hockey stick only cause I was looking to replace mine but we found one that is the right size for her and she was hitting the ball so well so I thought why the fuck not...I will also be attending hockey training on Thursday nights and my games on Saturday cause that is what I want and also I will be starting to dance again cause funny last night I downloaded the full version of Blowing Me Up without the movie inserts so you see the dancing and I miss that being able to dance I dont fucking dance anymore and that is one of my favourite things to do so now I am going to comply a DVD of music clips that I love dancing to and just shake my bon bons....

Thank you GLORY and KIMMY for everything LOVE YA GUYS.
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