Nov 07, 2011 18:54
This is really embarrassing, in several ways. Just recently, I discovered a pile of 4 Georgette Heyer books that wiredferret loaned me an embarrassingly long time ago. And I had never read them. Over the years, lots of people had recommended Heyer to me, but I was never interested. And of course, I'm a snob. However, when I found these 4 I was fighting off a cold and had nothing to read. I picked up Frederica and started in. Oh, dear reader. By now I've read bunches of Heyer. A lot of them are available as e-books and Powells has many of the ones that aren't. I'm still working my way through them, but I am well and truly hooked. Maybe that'll keep me from being a snob about Regency Romances!
And wiredferret, if you're reading, you should email me your address so I can send those books back to you. After all this time. Ahem.