[summer 2008]

May 21, 2008 09:36

Things have been much better lately. Overall my life is great again. I got a new car, signed a lease for next year, it's summer vacation, and I haven't had to be on IV antibiotics for over a year. I am a bit more optimistic about my future and I have some plans for after graduation. I'm just living my life. "the weeks go fast but the days go so slow"

Last weekend I went to cedar point with Lauren - so much fun! Then the next day I got a haircut and it boosted my mood even more. I'm just trying to enjoy my last few months in depot town with andrew. i'm going to miss having him around all of the time. I know things will improve when we don't live together. "we all need a little room to live"

I guess i should make some goals for my summer. The usual tradition:

*blood sugar under 150(x)
*finish EMU application
*start researching & designing final project(in progress)
*scrapbook(in progress)
*visit new places
*evening toker
*less juice more water
*ride bike/walk
*file & organize school papers
*more easy less slow to warm
*save money
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