10 Things:

Mar 02, 2006 14:02

1. The show at the Knitting Factory Saturday night was incredible. It was my favourite A. M. Trash show ever. The new line-up is so good. Everybody go give Nick and Danny Z a pat on the back--they are now official members of the band. Thanks to everyone who came out to the show to sing and dance with us. Also, thanks to Andy for setting us up with the show and congratulations to him and his band on their CD release--it is permanently in my car CD player.

After the show we went to Denny's for dinner and then on to Andy's for the after party--the best of which was when, at 2 o'clock in the morning, Andy started playing the songs he had just performed for some hot (naked?) girls.

Friday night we had another show at the Canoga Park Youth Arts Center (or as the cool kids say, the "CPYAC"). It was fun too. We got free bagels.

For those of you who don't know, we are currently in negotiation with a Management team that wants to represent us. If all works out well, they'll be working for us very soon. We had a meeting with them Monday night at Chili's. We were there for 4 and a half hours. I kept getting distracted by this pretty hot waitress who kept walking by. The next day, she added us on the old myspace. I think she likes me.

2. If anyone has pictures from the Knitting Factory, can I have them?

3. Some Bad Stuff:
  • I'm kinda sick. I think I just never got a chance to recover from the weekend.
  • My puppy, Gracie, had a cyst on her back that ruptured the other day. She's going to be ok, but she has to have surgery on Tuesday.
  • My Grandpa Bob got fired from the church last week. He didn't do anything wrong, but the assistant pastor (who is also the son-in-law of the head pastor) got mad and threw a temper-tantrum and told the head pastor that he would quit if they didn't fire my Grandpa. So the head pastor, who's a giant pussy, gave in and fired my Grandpa, who is now very upset. And it pisses me off. As you all know, I'm not a big fan of religion, but it's a huge part of my Grandpa's life. Now he's really depressed because they took that away from him for absolutely no reason. It's like if one day Hunter decides he doesn't like the cut of my jib (which is cut very nicely, thank you very much) so he tells the rest of the band that if they don't kick me out, that he'll quit--which, if the band were to agree to kicking me out, would not be fair at all. Needless to say, my grandparents will no longer be attending that church.
  • When it rains, my car gets puddled. As Kristin is entirely aware, my car often has a small swampland on the passenger's side floor which makes the car smell like feet. Apparently, when it rains and my car is parked on a slant downhill, water goes between a piece of molding that doesn't have an adequate seal. This is apparently a known problem with my model and I can fix, but it's just going to take a bunch of time and energy that I don't have. So until then, passengers of my car should wear closed-toe shoes.


5. "That's So Raven" should change it's name to "This Girl Used to Be Cute."

6. I have another way to scam the post office. You know how when you send a letter but it doesn't have enough postage, they send it back to the return address? Well, I'm going to start sending letters to people and not put postage on the envelope, but instead I'll just put the recipient's name and address as the return address. That way, the post office will return it to the person I want to send it to. I'm brilliant.

7. I'm going to invent a computer program that determines winning probability and suggests hand strategy for poker and then I'm going to play online poker while just plugging all the hands into this program. I'll be rich.

8. I was thinking about Lupus and AIDS. It seems to me that Lupus would be much worse since, when you have Lupus, your body attacks itself, whereas with AIDS, your body just can't fight bad things. So I was trying to figure out why AIDS has such a worse stigma. But I didn't want to do any real research. So I just figure that it's because AIDS is sexually contracted and people don't want sex to be spoiled because of diseases. When it was really already spoiled as soon as people realized that sex creates little stupid bald people who can't drive, make money, or read stimulating literature.

9. I need to see Narnia. Is it still out in theaters (,Tiffany)?

10. Who wants to party this weekend? 5775433
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