Today I used this
bodyrock workout as a base.
Basic workout. 30/10 x 21 (3 rounds)
1) Kettle Bell Swing with the 26 1/2 pound kettle bell
2) Squat and Press Leg Lifts - using the 18 pound Kettle Bell
3) Plank Press Up Drunk Chicken
4) Alternating Abs
5) Swinging Legs
6) Ugi Twist - using my 10 pounds of flour in a Bag
7) Side to Side Abs
Knee raises
I completely padded both hands today to try and get the most out of my workout.
I padded my right hand a little extra because at some point during scrimmage yesterday, this happened.
I did 5/10 for three minutes again, but I actually did it!!!!!! Toward the end my arms started to hurt, but I just need to build more strength there. So happy I found the right amount of padding for my hands!!
Well, today I
raised my speed a little again! 1.84 miles in 20 minutes today.
Post run absolute joy!
And sweaty arm pit!