Dictionaries are smart.

Jul 23, 2007 18:52

YIELD, v. 1. produce, give forth, bear, bring forth, give birth to; blossom, flower, bear fruit, fructify; breed, spawn, conceive, beget, engender, reproduce; cause, give rise to; give, furnish, supply; impart, bestow, confer, impart, afford; render, return, fetch, bring in, net, earn, pay, pay back.
2. surrender, deliver up, turn over, hand in, part with; remit; release, let go, relinquish, renounce, forsake, forgo, Law. disclaim; abdicate, resign, Chiefly Scot. demit; transfer, give over, cede waive, Law. demise.
3. lose hope of, despair of, give up, abandon, quit, Sl. pack it in, give up the ship, cry quits, cry craven, throw up one's hands, throw in the sponge or the towel; resign oneself to, grin and bear it, lie down and die, Sl. lump it.
4. capitulate, submit, succumb to; fall, bite the dust, lay down arms, raise the white flag; acquiesce, comply, accede, give in, cry or say uncle; concede, back down, retract, recant; defer, truckle, give place, give precedence; concur, agree, admit, accept, allow, go along with.
5. bend, flex, bow, Inf. cave in; relax, stretch; relent, mellow, soften, melt, thaw, dissolve.
--n 6. crop, harvest, reaping, produce, fruit; product, result, effect, output, fallout; returns, proceeds, gain, net, earnings, receipts; premium, interest.


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