Feb 28, 2009 04:47
Brendon was nine when he first met his true love. On his first day of 4th grade his teacher sat him right next to him. He was gorgeous, Brendon thought; perfect in every way.
Brendon could hardly control himself around him. When he would speak, Brendon would giggle. When he looked his way, giggle. When he let a small smile slip onto his firm lips, giggle. There was just something about him that Brendon was so fascinated with.
Like the way he played with his hair when he got nervous. And how he always seemed so reserved and put together like a statue, but if you looked close you could see how some part of his body was always moving. Not in a way Brendon did. Brendon‘s way was so distracting to the rest of the class the teacher was constantly telling him to sit still.
Brendon noticed how sometimes it was his hands that would lightly tap the desk, or his feet slowly shuffling along the floor beneath them. It was like he was constantly singing a song in his head, but not absentmindedly, more like it was all he could concentrate on. Every single note, every instrument, every word, and each rhyme, building, thought by thought, into what, Brendon imagined the song of his life. He would spend whole afternoons wondering what words made up the song, and wishing his name was one of them.
Brendon didn’t know what this fascination was; he just knew he couldn’t get enough of it. He didn’t know if he liked boys or girls, he just knew that he liked this boy. He didn’t know what being gay or straight meant, he just knew that this must be what love meant.
Brendon tried several times that year to talk to him, but every time he worked up enough courage to say hi, he’d look at him and would see his pale features and soft hair, and immediately begin to giggle. He couldn’t help it, this boy made him so nervous that all he could do was, well, giggle.
One day, which Brendon liked to call: The Day My Life Ended, Brendon got the courage to attempt talking to him. He got right to opening his mouth to say hi, and instead, a faint hissing noise came out which soon turned into another giggle. This time, instead of getting a faint embarrassed smile and turning away, the boy decided to reply to Brendon’s giggle.
“Can I, uh, ask you a favor?” the boy stated firmly.
Brendon was so surprised the words coming out of this boy’s mouth were being directed towards him that it took him a while to stutter back a response.
“Of c-c-course R-ryan anything for y-you.”