Monday morning musings

Sep 22, 2008 09:37

I keep hearing my cat meowing and then turning to see where he is.  He is right next to me on the couch, though, cleaning himself and purring continuously, and yes, making little meow noises on and off through it all.  They're just little meow squeaks, not indicating any kind of inquiry or distress as far as I can tell.  Maybe it's sort of like the way some people sing in the shower:  just humming a little verse now and then without completing a whole song.

It's Monday morning, and Dan worked late last night to make up for taking off Saturday and riding in the Southern Spokes.  We just did 60 miles, and it was a beautiful ride.  Just 60 miles.  So it wasn't work, it was fun.  Dan even said afterward, "Hey, we could have done 100!"  I think he wants to get a couple more rides in before doing that though.  And since he works Saturdays usually, we have to do it on our own.  Almost all of the organized rides are on Saturday.  Back to my original line, he worked late and I am up on my own while he sleeps in.  I had suggested that he get up and we ride our bikes to Long Branch or Harbaugh's and get some breakfast, but he was still pretty groggy.

This is a good time for me to write.  If I just get up on my own and wander around the house waiting for Dan, my mind wanders and might just go off someplace that it hadn't ought to be.  It can very easily wander off and muck around in the memories of my first marriage, because that period took up 23 years of my adult life and most of my stored memories are associated with it.  It was a period that I remember in terms of extremes:  my memories are filled with moments that were either exciting and wonderful or horrible and devastating.  There were some in betweens, of course:  the simple pleasantness or the subtle anger.  Of course the simple pleasant memories were part of the wonderful for me 'cause I like that.  And the subtle anger generally degenerated into something really bad.  Mike never liked to do anything half way.  I think if I had a good anti-depressant back then, I would have gotten ahold of my life and been able to move on a lot sooner.  Ah the lessons we learn.

So I find myself wandering around and thinking about my life before my first marriage.  God that was a long time ago.  I wonder if any of the people I knew back then (high school and a little bit after that) are on live journal.  Hey, I think I'll go check.  So much for writing this a.m.
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