Do you believe in ghosts?

Jul 02, 2006 21:51

Life can be such a lovely thing, and it can be the worst torture imaginable. It's been torture lately. Two weeks ago, tomorrow, my friend Jeb died. Friday night, Antoine and I met up with Brian and Sara. They're good friends of ours and were really really close to Jeb. After an evening of much celebration, because it was Sara's birthday, we decided to visit Jeb's grave to say hi. A morbid activity, but who knows why the mourning do the things they do? Sara and Brian didn't know where Jeb was buried (they were in Iowa visiting family). Needless to say. I just had this strange feeling that he was right there with us, and laughing with us. At some junctures, I think he was trying to participate in the conversation. If there are ghosts, and everyone can see us after they physically leave, it must've been refreshing for Jeb to see people laughing, sharing good stories, and NOT crying (despite the large lumps in our throats). When we finally had to call it a night, because the sun was coming up, I swear to you that I saw him standing at the grave. He had his jeans on with a tan colored shirt. There was this look on his face that seemed to be asking, "Why are you leaving?" He looked sad to me. Antoine told me last night that he saw Jeb's face there, and Sara told me yesterday that she saw it too. I know that I'm not cracking up. I've always thought that ghosts were real. I just don't know how they factor into the whole "cosmic order."

What's even more ironic, as I was standing there Joey was slipping. Make sure that all of you send Jenny an email, phone call, myspace comment, anything. She lost her brother on Saturday, and needs all the support she can get right now. Joey was one of the sweetest guys. The world has really lost someone special.

Thank god June is over, and you guys better take care 'cause I might crack up if anything else happens.
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