Mar 04, 2007 15:36
Not a whole lot has been going on.
I've stopped everything I used to do and am focusing solely on school and home. No more partying and all that other jazz. I've been going home a lot more to help in the basement, since I'm moving home. It's just a lot cheaper to live there.
Things with Gordon are great, as always. I miss KT, can't wait till she gets here even if she is going to be puffy cheeked. I love how she pointed out about Grey's being so close to her, Kelly and me. I think it's pretty darn funny.
I'm ready to get the hell out of Michigan. Actually I'm ready to get the hell out of the U.S. Surprisingly Grodon mentioned the other day about not living in the U.S. and I kind of liked the thought. I'm not sure where else I would live, I like Canada's health system...but I hate the weather.
Maybe Austrailia, I like the weather there. We shall see though because Austrailia certainly isn't very good at the whole new citizen thing (so I a book for a class so I could be wrong.)
I want to live in Tuscany. I've always wanted to. So gorgeous. I just need more scenary, I'm very bored with cities and cars and standard looking boring houses.
It's so uniform and so boring.
I've also found this passion of Gardening. I want a Garden, a nice big garden that you can walk through, that just takes up huge spaces, that is pretty. Maybe have a theme, not sure, but it'd be nice.
Of course the one plant I have is not doing so well, but I'm trying. I've never had and never will have a green thumb.
Trying to lose weight, worked out Friday, but these damn girl scout cookies are in the way, and all I need to lose is 5 to 10 pounds, nothing that difficult. I need to get pretty for bathing suit season, though I'm just going to be working all summer.