9th Annual GCLS Literary Conference plus Goldies (part 2 of 2)

Jun 30, 2013 08:30

Post was too large, so here are the rest of the winners:

Mystery/Thriller: presenters Carsen Taite and JM Redmann.
Winners: Hide and Snake Murder by Jessie Chandler; Being the Steel Drummer by Liz Bradbury and Runaway by Anne Laughlin

Paranormal: presenters Carleen Spry and Barb Clanton.
Winners: Sometime Yesterday by Yvonne Heidt; The Book of Eleanor by Nat Burns and Touch Me Gently by D. Jackson Leigh

Poetry: Presenters Nann Dunne and VK Powell.
Winners: Wor(l)ds of Love, Loss and Longing by Beth Mitchum and Secession by Amy Sara Carroll

Romantic Suspense/Intrigue: Presenters Linda Kay Silva and Chris Paynter.
Winners: Playing With Fuego by KG MacGregor; After Mrs. Hamilton by Clare Ashton and Beyond Innocence by Carsen Taite

Short Stories/Collections: Presenters Brenda Adcock and Pam Sloss. Winners: Slices of Life by Georgia Beers; Tea Leaves by Janet Mason and Sidecar by Ann McMan

Speculative Fiction: Presenters Pol Robinson and Ali Vali.
Winners: Just Killing Time by Linda Kay Silva; The Smuggler, the Spy, and the Spider by Diana Rivers and Soulwalker by Erica Lawson

Traditional Romance: presenters Lynn Ames and Mary Griggs.
Winners: Snow Falls, Gerri Hill; Almost Heaven by Susan X. Meagher and Heart Block by Melissa Brayden

Ann Bannon Popular Choice Award, presenter Jessie Chandler
This award is voted on by members of the Golden Crown Literary Society
Winner: Survived by Her Longtime Companion by Chris Paynter

Directors’ Award, presenter Patty Schramm.
The GCLS Directors’ Award is presented to a single GCLS member in recognition of contributions made to the Golden Crown Literary Society during the past year and/or to the ongoing mission of the organization over a longer period of time.
Winner is the GCLS website guru, who spent countless hours on website migration and the membership database: MB Panichi!

Lee Lynch Classic Award, presented by Lee Lynch.
The award recognizes an individual work that conveys meaningful lesbian experiences with influential historical value to lesbian community and predates the Goldies (2004).
Winner: Vin Packer for Spring Fire.

Trailblazer Award, presented by Rachel Spangler.
This award is for lifetime achievement and is presented each year to a single author in recognition of their contributions made to the field of lesbian literature.
Award goes to: Marijane Meaker, who writes as Vin Packer, M.E. Kerr, Ann Aldrich and Mary James

writing, gcls

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