FIC: Five Golden Rings Prologue/? SLASH

Aug 13, 2006 23:27

Title: Five Golden Rings 0/? Prologue
Author: maryfic
Disclaimer: Joss.
Pairing: Wes/Angel
Rating: This part, PG-13. Overall, may get to NC-17.
Notes: For Sham, who totally rocks. :)
Warnings: Slash, others to be added later.
Notes 2: AU, Wes never betrayed Angel, Conner is still a baby, Cordelia is half-demon, just because I deem it so.


Wesley woke with a start when a hand gently shook his shoulder. "Hmm, what? Oh, Angel. Is anything wrong?"

The souled vampire gave his employee what passed for a smile and handed him his glasses. "It's three am, and you've got a package. I already signed for it, but I think you should open it. It's marked urgent."

The ex-watcher stretched with a groan and didn't notice Angel's surreptitious glance at his torso. Reaching for his glasses, he stood and walked out to the lobby. "Who's it from?"

Angel followed, absentmindly taking Conner from Lorne as he passed by the stairs. "Doesn't say. I love you, Conner. Who's a good baby?" Angel's words descended into baby talk as Wes examined the innocent looking package sitting on Cordelia's desk.

"You might want to be careful there, Wesleycakes. Bad things come in small and large packages, you know," Lorne said sagely, perching on the edge of one of the settees littering the lobby.

The brunette chuckled dryly. "Believe me, Lorne. I've already learned my lesson about that the hard way. But there isn't any magickal traces on it, nor inside. I think I'm safe so far."

Those turned out to be famous last words as Wesley untied the string and unwrapped the box. He pried open the cardboard, stared entranced at the contents a few moments, then turned to Angel with a strange look on his face.

"Angel, I -" Wes never finished the sentence. His eyes rolled back in his head and he slid bonelessly into a very stylish pile of jeans and button-down shirt behind Cordy's desk.

Lorne rolled his eyes. "I hate to say it..."

"Don't say it then," Angel snapped, handing Conner back to his nanny.

"Cordy ain't gonna like this, is all I was going to say. I'll leave you to play the daring knight. Tell Daddy goodnight, Conner."

Conner babbled over Lorne's shoulder as Angel knelt over Wes's unconscious body.


ats, angel/wes, fic: five golden rings

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