The Fandom Snowflake Challenge - Day Six

Jan 07, 2012 00:31

Day 6

In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) and that you ended up loving.

1. If You Are Prepared by Cybele. Warnings: None. Summary: Dumbledore has a plan to keep Harry and Severus safe. Pre-slash. SS/HP, rating NC-17

I hate this story nearly as much as I love. I never, *ever* read anything remotely Dumbledore, but I went here because it is a pairing I ship, and I love Cybele's work. I should have known better. This novel-length tale will make you cry, and cry, and cry. But it is worth it. NC-17

2. Bizarre Love Triangle by Lovesbitca. Pairing: Willow/Tara/Spike. Warning: None. Summary: Tara has never known the touch of a man. So why the hell did she and Willow think that Spike would make a good candidate? And lots of stuff about hair.

I don't do Tara/Spike. I never liked Tara with anyone but Willow - but I do ship Willow/Spike - and I couldn't pass it up. I figured I would give it a few paragraphs...then a chapter..then two. Then I was just gone on the idea of Tara for Team Blue! And Spike was just awesomesauce in this story.

3. Camp Killalot by Karen. Pairing: Connor/Dawn. Summary: Camp, BtVS and AtS style.

I don't like Connor. I don't read Connor fics, I would have preferred if they'd just let him go off to a demon dimension, we could grieve, and move on. But no. I only read this story because Dawn was in it, and I liked the idea of a killer summer camp. In the end, I rec'ed it everywhere, including here. *sigh* So much for my convictions.

the fandom snowflake challenge

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