Drabble: Burn, Angelus/Giles PG-13

Nov 26, 2011 15:21

Title: Burn
Author: maryfic
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Word count: 100. Let's hear it for consistency.
Rating/Pairing: PG-13, no pairing, Angelus and Giles, post-Jenny confrontation.
A/N: Part of the Thanksgiving Drabble Challenge.

He wanted that scum to burn. The soul, the demon, it didn’t matter. He wanted that face that haunted his dreams, his nightmares, every waking second of his life to feel something, anything.

This agonizing searing of his soul could (and should) be reflected in that monster’s eyes, in his flesh.

The hard slap of a fist against his face took his glasses, skidding them across the floor into the flickering blackness.

He moved towards the bulk, around Angelus - he had the demon’s attention now, and it was do or die time, Rupert.

One of them would finishing burning tonight.


giles, thanksgiving drabble challenge, angelus/giles, drabbles

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