Hallelujah, it's rainin' FIC! New stuff, even.

Sep 09, 2007 19:08

May I have your attention, please. Is there anyone out there who was waiting even a *little* anxiously for me to post something new, lmao? Feel free to lie to me and stroke the ever-dissolving ego.

Anyway, new fic under the cut.

3 parts of Once Bitten (rated R, with m/m slash. W/S and Xander/Angelus; with mixes between the three. Also written a while ago, possibly while drunk on something, I'm betting Guinness, lmao.)

Complete prologue, anyway. Bite Me, a W/Aus tale. If I get a good response, I may keep writing on this one, hell, all of them. Say, PG-13 here.

Complete fic, April Fools. Based on a true story. No pairing, set in the Angelverse. PG-13, R-ish. Beware of slash.

Title: Once Bitten 1-3/?
Author: Mary Ellis
Disclaimer: Joss owns the boys. And everyone else.
Rating: R to NC-17, m/m slash.
Content: A Xander fic. Somebody's got a longing for the Zeppo. But is Xander ready to risk his heart again?
Pairings: A/X, W/S
Notes: Set in the dark time when Angelus returned from Hell, he never got his soul back. Instead, Willow and Spike began to date, and if you need more info ask.


Xander played with the end of his bedspread and took another swig from his bottle of warm Guinness. It had been three months to the day that Anya had left him for a demon she'd found in Willie's, and longer than that since he and Cordelia had broken up.

The day was going pretty shitty. His dad had given him notice that he had until the weekend to move out, and guess what, it was Friday night and he still had no place to go.

Tossing the bottle towards the wall, he stood up and pulled his tattered jeans over his boxers. Unfortunately, he was drunk, and couldn't manage it properly. Cussing as he tripped, his legs got tangled in the pants and ripped them even more.

"Fucking a," he said, shoving his feet through the bottoms and pulling a dirty tee shirt over his head. Wobbling, the boy stood and switched off his stereo. Sick of Patsy Cline, Xander left his dingy soon to be ex-home.


From a block away, Angelus watched with hungry eyes as the object of his long burning affection shakily mounted broken stairs and headed off down the darkened street. Spinning on his heel, he went to find his bastard childe and his girlfriend so he could torture the living daylights out of them.

Part Deux, For Kaz and Lady Alexia, who asked.

Willow spun on the dance floor of the Bronze and collapsed breathlessly into her boyfriend's arms as the fast paced song ended. "God, that was so much fun, but can we sit down now? I feel seriously in the need for some caffeine." she said, kissing Spike on the nose and walking towards their table.

Spike chuckled as his eyes swept the club, ever wary that his sire might see them. Not that he was afraid of Angelus, by no means, but the vampire had been in a serious snit ever since he'd lost his soul again.

And he had a bad habit of taking his anger out on him and Willow. "You know, I never knew you had it in you, Red," he said as they sat down.

She fixed him with a stare that melted his heart and made his stomach clench in a way Drusilla never had. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, running her hand up his thigh.

He choked. "The whole....dance thing." The way she'd been rubbing on him on the dance floor, vertical sex, practically. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it. Christ, he'd almost shagged her right there, but the promise of more to come held him back.

Her eyes sparkled. "I learned that from Buffy." With a wicked grin, she closed the distance between them and captured his lips in a steamy kiss, her tongue coaxing his out to play. They sat there and made out until a rough hand on the backs of their heads yanked them apart.

"ANGEL," Willow shrieked, but silenced at the look in his eye. The angry vampire released his childe's head and Spike glared at him.

"We WERE on a date, Angelus."

"Do I care? We're leaving. Now." His tone brooked no argument. Willow picked up her purse and slipped on her sweater, snuggling close to Spike as they followed Angelus from the crowded club.


Xander sat in Weatherly Park, nursing another beer. He'd managed to convince the clerk that yes, indeed he was 21, and no he did NOT need to slow down. Of course, his fist helped a bit too, and more likely than not he was on the store security cameras. Did he care? Fuck no.

All he wanted was maybe for some hot chick to come up and give him a free lap dance, and maybe cop a feel too. Damn, he was really messed up tonight. He usually didn't think like this.

He stood after a couple of tries, or five; and began walking towards the Bronze a few blocks away. Xander could hear the music, and maybe he'd see Willow there. Sweet, innocent Willow. Juicy Willow. He shook his head. *NO. Bad Xander. Think about juicy Cordelia.* A grin broke his features and he walked on, oblivious to the car coming at him.


They'd left the club, and now were sitting in his sire's caddy, the top down, music blaring. Spike growled as Angelus' hand made it's way under Willow's short skirt.

He'd done so needlessly, because Willow smacked the older vampire's hand and bared her teeth at him. "Maybe later, Willow." Angelus said, a wicked gleam in his eye. He removed his hand though. He had tastier prey in mind.

Which appeared to be coming straight at him. He swerved the car onto the sidewalk, throwing his passengers into the door as the wheels jumped the curb. Angelus kicked open the door and stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Xander to come to him.

Part menage a trois, I mean, three. *smacks self*

Vaguely, Xander could make out a shape on the sidewalk in front of him. "Hey, man. Whatcha doing?" he asked, slurring his words slightly. He heard a low, growling sound and closed his eyes, imagining it was Cordelia against his neck, growling in his ear....when it fact it was Angelus sinking his fangs into Xander's throat and letting the boy fall into his arms as the warm blood flowed into his mouth.

Willow watched with a growing horror. She jabbed a finger into Spike's side to distract him from her own neck. She scrambled from the car and ran over to the pair and smacked Angelus in the back of the head as hard as she could.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing, Angel?" she yelled, only shaking a tiny bit at the face he thrust in hers, fangs sharp and dripping with her best friend's blood.

"What do you think YOUR doing, little girl? Xander is MINE." With this blatant display of possessiveness, the older vampire turned from her, and Spike, who had come up behind her to take Angelus' wrath, if need be; and got back in the caddy, roaring the accelerator and driving away.

Willow buried her head in Spike's shoulder and sobbed. Her world had just exploded, utterly and completely unexpectedly.



Title: Bite Me 1/1
Author: Mary Ellis
Disclaimer: One word. Joss.
Rating: R.
Content: Willow picks a fight with Angel, and gets a tad more than she bargained for.
Spoilers: The episodes of AtS where they go to the alt world.
Couple: None...so far.
Notes: May turn into a W/A/Aus series.


"Goddammit!" Willow slammed the phone down in her bedroom after dialing a very familiar number for the umpteenth time. She turned from her desk and caught a glance of her reflection in the mirror over her dresser. Shocked, she stood and stared at the unfamiliar person staring back at her.

Red hair flying around her face in angry waves, green eyes blazing with electricity. Fists clenched in an attempt to direct the rage inward, an evil grin slowly stretching over her pale features.

"Oh yeah." Quickly, she implemented her plan.

Twenty minutes later, Willow was dressed in one of her favorite bronzing outfits, tight Wranglers(tm), and a green halter top that set off her eyes perfectly. She twisted her hair up into a bun, infinitely glad she had decided to let it grow out after cutting it last year. Jabbing two stakes in it to hold the hair, she surveyed herself in the mirror and laughed.

Grabbing a jacket she'd borrowed from Buffy their senior year and never returned, she slipped it on and left her room, and the house.


Angel stared morosely at the phone as it rang. Again. He knew who it was. Couldn't, no wouldn't be anyone but Willow. And he didn't want to explain his mood to her. And by the gods, he didn't have to.

With a low growl he stood, beginning his pacing again. So many thoughts were racing around his mind, it was nearly unfathomable. Unfortunately for him, it was quite fathomable, because he was thinking it.

In the alternate dimension he and the gang had gone to, intending to rescue Cordelia, Angel had come across something he was wholly unprepared for.

Himself. Or rather, his demon, Angelus had appeared, presumably because he was in a strange place, and the scariest thing was, he'd enjoyed. Angel had enjoyed feeling the dark, evil emotions that coursed through his body, loved the thought that he could scare someone again.

And that had frightened the hell out of him.

Shaken from his musing by the sound of pounding feet down the staircase, he turned to see what the hell they wanted, and stopped dead. If he breathed, his breath would have been stolen.

"Holy shit. Willow?"

"Uh huh. Surprised to see me, Angel?" She walked towards him, her boots thudding on the floor, accentuating every swing of her hips, outlined in tight black denim. Definitely exposing parts of Willow he'd never, ever seen before. Fantasized about, maybe. No, ANGELUS fantasized about Willow, not Angel. Angel loved....whoa.

His eyes traveled upwards and stopped completely when they reached mid-chest. Someone had gone without the benefit of a bra this evening. The redhead's nipples were hardening in the cool air, and they pressed invitingly against her top.

His eyes met hers, and he raised his eyebrows at the look in them. So familiar....so like....Angelus. He fought to pay attention as she spoke again.

"You know what, Angel? I'm sick and tired of watching you brood. I'm sick and FUCKING tired of you shutting everyone that cares about you out of your life when you feel the need to brood. And you know what else?" She had stepped closer to him by this time, and ended her statement with a finger poking into his chest.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Willow." It wasn't a request, it was an order. The glint in Angel's eyes was dangerously dark, and Willow swallowed, but stood her ground and poked him again.

With a roar, Angelus took control of the body and shoved Willow up against the cement wall, his game face coming out and the rage that he had tried to control since coming back came out full force.

"I told you not to do that, Willow." His voice was low, and sensuous, Willow couldn't hold back a shudder that ran through her body, pressing her up against Angelus, rubbing parts....that were not meant to be rubbed against Angel. Angel was Buffy's, her mind frantically pointed out as he lowered his head to her neck and licked it slowly, coming up to the pulse point beneath her ear and nibbling the lobe.

"A....Angel...us. Don't." The hacker gasped, summoning every bit of energy she had in her. Placing her hands against his chest, she poured it into him, sending him flying away from her with a hiss and crackle of magic.

He landed hard, smashing the telephone table under his weight. The look he shot her said she was in for one thing and one thing only tonight.


The End?


Title: April Fools 1/1
Author: Mary Ellis
Disclaimer: Joss owns the Angel gang. I own the Charak demon.
Spoilers: Ats 1 & 2nd seasons, I think.
Rating: R, for hints of slash, and sex, and just an all around good time.
Notes: I skewed things, like always. Doyle is alive, Gunn is there, so is Cordelia. *evil grin* Also, if you didn't get it yet, this is a sillyfic.
Dedications: My roommates. For doing the EXACT same thing to me on Sunday night. I HATE MY ROOMIES!!!! *grrr*


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the scream echoed through the walls of Angel Investigations. Doyle held his head and moaned in agony. Gunn clapped him on the back.

"Way to go, man. Two birds with one stone." he said laughing as he leaned back in Cordelia's desk chair. "Piss off the princess and play one HELL of an april fools gag."

Doyle grimaced as the sound of pounding feet came simultaneously up and down the stairs. Cordelia and Angel reached the entrance to the office at the same time.


"OMIGOD, Angel!" the princess shrieked. She bent down over the vampire, her long now blonde hair swishing over his bare chest.

Doyle had a hand over his mouth, trying to hold in the laughter, but unfortunately for him, it didn't work and his guffaws set Gunn off, and pissed Cordelia off more.

She stomped over to them, heading for Doyle first, and oooh, if looks could kill, not even a Charak demon could stand up to her glare.

The half demon shrank back in his chair, trying to avoid the Cordy monster, but to no avail. She marched right up to him and straddled his midsection, planting her 300 dollar Gucci mules with the special order sharp heels right on his boots. Steel toed, thank god.

However, his frown turned upside down when he realized the woman of his dreams was practically giving him a lapdance and he laced his arms around her with a shit eating grin, grinding his hips upward into hers.

"Cordy, baby. I didn't think you'd be THAT mad. It washes out, after all." Doyle smiled up at her winningly, trying to ignore the shocked gasp of Gunn, and the second *THUD* as Angel tried to stand up and fell down again.

Gunn sighed heavily. "Come on, you big black clad hunk of a night thing. Let's get you some more whiskey. You're gonna need it if this shit don't wash out." He walked over and hauled the vampire up bodily. *And maybe, your sweet lil vampiric ass will finally appreciate every thing I DO for it...* the black man thought longingly.

Angel wrapped his arm around Gunn and let him lead them back downstairs. Downstairs...where the bed was...and the whiskey. A smile crossed the vampire's face and he shoved Gunn up against the wall of the stairwell, his game face coming to the fore.


The man swallowed at the sight of his VERY attractive boss in game face. "Uh, yeah boss."

"Get your ass downstairs. NOW." the last word came out as a growl, and Gunn jumped the last few steps, tripping on a sword that had been left out on the floor. He flew, and miraculously landed face down on the bed.

Angel pounced.



Cordelia smacked Doyle when he ground up on her and INSINUATED perverted shit. "Doyle!!!! I have a freakin audition today!! What the hell were you thinking??" She slammed her foot down in proprietary anger....But did not get off his lap, he noticed wryly.

"Um, sweetling, it washes out." he said quietly. "And if you don't want to miss your audition, I suggest you get your ass in that shower." Doyle stood up, still holding Cordelia, and let her slide down his body, and feel his erection.

She smirked. "Wanna join me?"

"You better run, little girl..." Doyle said, and took up the chase as Cordelia pounded up the stairs.


Soon, the Hyperion Hotel was filled with the sounds of lurve. Slurping, moans, groans, and yelps were common. Oh, and the dye never washed out.

THE END....or is it?

Well, see, this is bound to be bad. Especially since there will be more forthcoming. MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!! BWHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!! *falls down chuckling evilly*

unsorted, btvs, ats, willow/spike, xander/angel(us)

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