
Oct 16, 2011 20:46

...I feel really tired today. I seem to be going through a bad patch for headaches and migraines. Monday I got to work and I felt the familiar loss of eyesight that indicates the start of a migraine. I managed to stave it off with liberal taking of paracetamol and codeine, and trying to ignore it, but it wa touch and go for an hour or so, and took lots of convincing myself that I was NOT going to be sick. I then had exactly the same at Tretower yesterday, just after I got there, and spent the rest of the day with a spaced out, headachy feeling, but OK to enjoy the event. I still have had the headachy, spaced out feeling all day, and now just feel utterly exhausted. In between Monday and Saturday I have had what feels like a sinus headache (round one eye, down the side of nose, and across 1 cheek). It's OK when I get up in the morning, but gradually gets worse as the morning goes on, until it gets to the point where I find it almost impossible to read or string a sentence together, then liberal application of "Forehead" (provided by T at work, although I have now bought my own) and painkillers seems to bring it back to something more manageable by the middle of the afternoon, but I still end up not feeling great. On top of that I have had a pain across my abdomen for the last 2 weeks. Gripe, gripe, gripe......

On the strength of all the I went to the doctors on Friday......seemed a bit pointless, though, I now have a nasal spray that MAY clear the sinus problem after a few weeks or so (try for a month before coming back), and peppermint oil tablets which MAY help with the stomach problems after 2-3 weeks...(and "don't come back for that one cos we don't know" was the tone of the consultation, although I'm not sure how the doctor can tell whether there was anything wrong by lightly touching my stomach whilst I was sitting upright in the chair, which was all he did). Oh "and don't bother asking why you are still putting on weight and feeling more and more exhausted, cos we don't know and it's not worth checking your thyroid again cos it was OK 18 months ago"

All pretty pointless! And right now very frustrating cos I have several really busy weeks with lots of travelling heading up to Christmas, and I am finding it really difficult to do everything.
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