My Dad has Cancer

Aug 16, 2005 21:43

::sigh:: thus far...the worst day of my entire daddy...who happens to be my best friend, hero, and the most awesome person ive ever met....told me he has cancer...thats right..the dreadful C word...I'm scared shitless...dont let hte sarcasm fool you...I'm scared that I will loose my daddy before I get married when he can walk me down the scared that the treatment is going to make him too sick..i work at a hospital..i see what the cancer pts go is all very very scary...i love him more then life itself...

I feel so many different emotions right now i cant even begin to explain all of them...mostly scared...scared of the unknown...and sad...because theres nothing i can do to physically help many other emotions....

i would be lying if i said the thought to move back has not crossed my mind...and im still considering...but i know he wouldnt want me to do that..i know hes proud of what ive done with my life and where im at right old friend reminded me of that

he loves me just as much as i do him...and we both know it...hes in good spirits...hes going to fight...he had cancer when he was a young child...some type of bone cancer...and then skin cancer about 10 years ago or so....hes overcome it twice before...he will do it again..

its just going to be super hard on me....please say a prayer for my family...we need all we can get...they say its treatable..and hes going to go to MD Anderson as soon as he can get in....guess that means ill be making a few trips to good ol' houston...

i havent been able to eat a full meal...and i have an ongoing headache and im shaking a lot...i sure hope this passes....

I'm pretty sure hes coming up this weekend to go to last adventure before the adventure of his life....

im just begging you to keep him in your prayers..even if you dont believe in God...keep him in your thoughts

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