Long time, no see!

May 19, 2014 12:42

How to gracefully juggle writing time, work life, and family in acceptable measures? The balancing act is challenging for many writers. Most of the time, I feel lucky to have this balance in my life. I love my teaching, treasure my writing time, and my family anchors me to the here and now, to what is most important.

All the layers of technology clamor for attention, and I am less successful at keeping those plates spinning. I connect with friends and colleagues on Facebook, work and communicate with critique partners on e-mail... and then I dip in and out of Twitter, Instagram, blogging, and more... when I can!

So for now, I will be at peace with sporadic blogging, as I aim to finish and polish my middle-grade novel, Menders-- the time-travel novel I want to send out into the world! It was awarded the Ruth Landers Glass Scholarship at the New England SCBWI conference two weeks ago, a wonderful bit of validation and encouragement that I needed. Wish me luck. And happy Spring!

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