Jan 21, 2011 22:54
Happy 2011! I'm a little late to the party, I know. Although January doesn't always feel like "Real New Years" to me (that would be September), a fresh calendar year is always a nice change. Some years, I make an extra-special effort to set a good course for myself during the first few days of January: habits that I hope will stick or constructive routines or whatever. 2011 has not been one of those years. You know what we spent literally the first three days of 2011 doing at my house? Playing Bejeweled. For, like, nine hours at a time. And watching whatever was marathoning on TV. The best day was Corner Gas day, hands down. It was a really nice holiday; lazy and relaxing in the best possible way. But not how I want to spend every day all year, obviously... er, February Resolutions anyone??
So here I am again with another promise (to myself and you) to update the LJ more; level of success in promise-keeping still to be determined. I'm going to change my username (and call it a belated Christmas gift to myself) one of these days. I've been wanting to for aaaaaaaaaaaages and ages.
Also this year, I resolve to make more music. I have just acquired a gorgeous new-to-me player piano (it's art deco-y! it came with a matching bench and player rolls! it was free!!), and although it does need some maintenance once it settles into my house, right now it's not so terribly out of tune as to be completely unplayable. I don't play my guitar enough because it's not a great guitar, but the only way to get good enough to justify buying a new one is to play the one I've got. I've never been a confident instrumentalist, but this year I'd like to change that. After all, here I am with two lovely (or at least decent) instruments to play.
Other examples, in brief: drink more water. I did really well at implementing this one for a good chunk of last year, but then I lapsed back into my bad diet-pepsi ways again. Write. I've signed up for a fandom challenge and I have an idea for an original novel. Find a job. No more of this waiting for a career to fall into my lap bullshit; I just need a few steady hours somewhere, anywhere. Although it would be a bonus if those were steady hours that I didn't hate. Declutter, declutter, declutter - it's time to stop drowning in my own extraneous stuff. Etc. And there are always more resolutions where those came from.
Here's to spending the rest of these long winter hours creating, and loving, and finding the joy in life.