OK, so form the discussion form my last post, I have been thinking about what I am to do this summer and next year.
As it stands right now, I think that I'm going to stay at Lakehead and do the one year teaching. I think that I'll enjoy teaching and that I'll like the life style.
As for a Masters, well I can do that later. My decision to do the teaching does not exclude doing it after I have taught for a few years- if I want to.
If I do it later, it would be for me and not for a future carrer. I don't think that a life of lab work would be for me. I feel that it's too repetative, I don't like the comeptition and I don't want my life to depend on grants that I would absoulutly hate wrighting.
For the summer, I think that I might go on Operation Wallacea for 4 weeks.
This is their web site:
http://www.opwall.com/I would want to go to Honduras, this is my proposed four weeks:
1- Jungle survival training
2- Scientific Illustration course
3- Open water diving training
4- Coral reef ecology
This sounds like a supper cool and exciting month. I would have a lot of work to do before I go, like fund raising. One concern is getting a job over the summer, I would be missing a month to go on this. But it is an opprotunity of a life time.