Hanging out in da library

May 05, 2006 13:58

So today I went over some articles that will help me figure out what to do next with my DNA samples. I went over them and made a tentetive protocol. But again, Dr Law isn't around to give me anything to do. So I decided to look up an article sited in one of my main ones. It turens out that the libraby does not have the issue, they stopped subscribing to this one a year before the article I want was published. Another article I was looking for yeaster day is in the gap between articles being put on line and the end of LU's subscription.

Anyways, at least it was a nice jaunt to the library. :)

PS- Dr Law has no problem with me taking next Friday off, that means that I'm going to Deluth with some of you fine people, it's going to be great :D22222888
Appaerently on this computer, moving the scroll bar on the mouse results in 2s when rolled down and 8 when rolled up, strange.
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