Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Title: (In Which) Zuko Gets a Pet
Chapter: N/A; complete oneshot
Characters/Pairings: Zuko, Ty Lee
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 516
Rating: K/PG
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Notes: Originally for a contest somewhere. The only rule I remember anymore is that Zuko got a pet. Enjoy.
“Fluffy-kins!” The heinous voice rang through the halls of the family wing at an obscene volume. The Earthbenders in Zuko’s head slammed rocks at a furious pace against his temples.
He rose unsteadily from his bed, foot tangling in the sheet. Zuko couldn’t get it free and when he yanked, he fell on his face, and landed in an inelegant heap on the floor.
“Dammit,” he mumbled into the tile, clutching his head as he sat up. His foot was tangled, and the sheet hadn’t taken the fall with him, so his leg was on the bed still. After fighting a moment, he stood awkwardly and reached for a dagger on his bedside table, intending to cut it off.
The door flew open, slamming off the wall with a resounding bang! that echoed through the room- and Zuko’s head- painfully loudly.
“Fluffy-kins?!” that grating voice called again.
“Not quite,” Zuko deadpanned, rubbing his head.
“The alcohol getting to you, Zuzu?” The tone of the voice was now amused.
“Yes, Ty Lee,” he grated. “It is. This is the worst hangover ever.”
“The first one usually is,” she granted. “Drink some water. And keep a basin handy.”
“Ugh,” he moaned.
“Have you seen Fluffy?”
“What is Fluffy?” Zuko said the word like it left a foul taste in his mouth.
Zuko’s stomach dropped, quickly followed by his jaw, in horror.
‘Um’ from Ty Lee never ever meant good things. The last time they’d heard ‘um’ fall from her lips, the entire north wing had been drenched by slime bombs, half of the east wing had been destroyed by rampaging komodo rhinos, and the section of the library that housed the tax records had gone up in flames and then hit by a tsunami.
Granted, it hadn’t been totally her fault (as in Sokka had concocted the slime bombs in his room; Jet had been the one let loose in the stables; and Aang was the Firebender who’d been practicing his forms indoors and Katara had tried to put the fire out), but as the mastermind behind the whole scheme, she bore the brunt of the guilt.
The royal servants, stable hands, and accountants loathed her, but she was the patron saint of construction workers the country over.
That had been one of those days where Zuko swore that whatever deity had been assigned to him was convinced that it had drawn the short straw.
So when Ty Lee said, “Um…” and suddenly found the floor the most fascinating thing in the world, Zuko was duly terrified.
“Ty Lee, what did you do?!”
“…I got you a pet?”
It turned out that Bosco was female.
And during the Earth King’s travels after fleeing Ba Sing Se, Bosco had made the acquaintance of a male. Nature had run its course, as it is wont to do, and Bosco had little Boscos.
How Ty Lee managed to acquire one was a mystery, but the fact remained that she had, and it was now up to them to find it.
Zuko prayed his guardian spirit was feeling extremely benevolent.
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