association meme

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Comment on this post saying you want to do the meme. I will respond with five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or, if you prefer, you can answer in a comment here).

andromeda3116 gave me: Fantasy (as in, genre of writing), puppies, River Tam, crossover/fusion stories, Mai/Katara!

1) Fantasy (genre of writing): I started out as a child reading vampire and ghost books. I've always been kind of an oddball, I guess. But when I was about twelve or thirteen, my grandmother gave me Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It's a fantasy book. I fell in love with it (it is, to this day, my favorite novel). Like any normal person, I like to write what I like to read. I like to tell stories in realms I understand. Fantasy is a fun genre, both to read and to write. I get to play with laws, use magic, and invent entire worlds, all while meeting fun, new people.

2) Puppies: TRITAN! He's a little shithead, but I just love him. He's about six months old now, and he's still a terror. Only he's a humping terror now, because his balls dropped and we haven't gotten him fixed yet. My brother picked him out for us before he left for Navy boot, which I think is the only reason Mom hasn't killed him yet. We're thinking about getting him a buddy.

3) River Tam: I understand now about the random part. I have no idea why you associate her with me, Sarah, but okay. I love Firefly. It's one of my all-time favorite shows, if not the favorite. Along with Mal, River is my favorite character, because she's just so messed up. The mother in me (which is, trust me, a huge part) wants to bake her cookies and give her a big hug and try to fix it.

4) Crossover/fusion stories: I have never written one of these before, but Sarah writes a lot of them. I love them. It goes hand-in-hand with the fantasy thing - you get to rewrite the world. In this case, the world is a canon one that you had no part in creating. But then you get to reinvent it.

5) Mai/Katara: I like Mai. I like Katara. I don't like the romantic endings they got in canon. They seem so cheap to me, like the worst kind of cop-out, because they were easy, almost expected. (Of course, a lot of the finale seemed to be a cop-out to me, but that's another story, and one that's been hashed out by others elsewhere.) This isn't actually my first-choice Mai pairing, and I tend to pair her with the girls more than the guys. (Except Jet. *waves Jet/Mai banner* Which is also your fault, Sarah-dear.) But I think they could be good for each other, or at least better for each other than Zuko and Aang, respectively. Plus, wouldn't it be just so damn funny to see Zuko and Aang's reactions to their girls leaving them for each other? Or Zuko's reaction when Katara leaves him for his ex? /desperately wants to write this now


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